Q1: Write general structure of C program. OR Explain basic structure of c program. Also, notation for comments and meaning of comments. OR Write and Explain the structure of c program.

A1: The basic structure of C program is as follow:

Documentation Section: It includes basic details of this program in comments.

Link Section: It includes header files from the library files e.g. #include<stdio.h>.

Definition Section: It includes define constant like #define PI 3.14.

Global Declaration Section: This section is used to declare global variables.

main() Section: It is the entry point of every C programs.


Declaration Section: Here we declare variables to be used in program.

Executable Section: Here we execute logic of the program.


Sub-program Section: This section contains all the user define function.


{ function1() body}


{ function2() body}


 There are two types of comments in C Language:

Single line comment starts with ‘//’.

Multi line comment start with ‘/*’ and end with ‘*/’.

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