9 - Give the definitions:

Give the definitions

1. High level language with Advantages & Disadvantages

High level languages are like natural language usage, they use phrases of natural language, easy to understand, simple and fast compile.


· It is designed to be easier to read and write.
· It is closer to human language.
· It provides abstraction and automation, to allow programmers to focus on solving problems.


· It is generally slower as it requires more time to convert its code into machine code.
· It is difficult to optimize code for specific hardware or systems.
· It requires more memory as it uses additional functions to provide more structure code.

2. Low level language with Advantages & Disadvantages

Low level language is also known as Machine level language. It is only understood by the computer. It is in the form of (0s and 1s).


· Its execution is very fast as it is directly executed by CPU.
· It provides direct control over the hardware.
· It allows programmers to manage memory.
· Debugging is easy as it is closer to hardware.


· This language is not portable as it vary machine to machine.
· The programmer must have knowledge of the operation of hardware.
· It is sometimes time-consuming.

3. Middle level language with Advantages & Disadvantages.

Middle level language is also known as assembly language.

It solves portability issues, as it uses short names called mnemonics for each binary code.

The instructions are created using symbols such as letters, digits and special characters.


· It is fast and efficient while programming and execution.
· It has predefined library functions.
· It is portable for machine to machine.
· It allows programmers to use variety of data type and operators.


· It doesn't extend its support to the concept of OOPs
· Programmers must know dynamic memory management techniques.
· It doesn’t have any function for garbage collection.
· It does not have any run time checking or debugging of code.

4. Assembly language

Assembly language is also known as middle level language.

It solves portability issues, as it uses short names called mnemonics for each binary code.

The instructions are created using symbols such as letters, digits and special characters.

5. Hardware

Hardware is the physical components of the computer system that we can see it, touch it.

6. Software.

Software refers to the collection of instructions which perform particular task and collection of programs which accomplisher application is called software.

7. Object oriented language

Object-oriented language (OOL) is a high-level programming language that implements objects and their associated procedures within the programming context to create software programs.

8. Hardware

Hardware is the physical components of the computer system that we can see it, touch it.

9. Software

Software refers to the collection of instructions which perform particular task and collection of programs which accomplisher application is called software.

10. Compiler

It sums the whole program at a time and trends out error if any. Compiler converts whole source code into object code at a time.

11. Interpreter

Interpreter scans whole program line by line and stop scanning whenever error occurs it converts the source program.

12. Assembler.

It is a system software which translate lower level program to machine level program.

13. Source code

A source code is called a program that is a set of instructions for a computer to follow which is saved in a file.

14. Object code.

Object code is a file created by a compiler and interpreter that is understood by the computer to do specific task.

15. ASCII code

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the most common character encoding format for text data in computers and on the internet.

16. Operating system

An operating system is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources, and provides common services for computer programs.

17. Error

Error is an illegal operation performed by the user which results in abnormal working of the program. Programming errors are detected by compiler.

18. Data.

Data is the raw form of the information that is used by programmer to achieve particular task.

19. Information

Information is the form of well-organized data provided by any system. It is a well structured data that human can understand.

20. Program

A program is a set of instructions for a computer to follow which is saved in a file.

21. Programming Language

Programming is the act of writing a program using any programming language like C.

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